Devika Sondhi has joined IBM India Research Labs as a Research Scientist.
Congratulations to Dr. Venkatesh Vinayakarao for his doctoral degree. All the best for the future!
We are proud to announce that Venkatesh successfully defended his thesis work on 14th August, 2018. He did his Ph.D. work in about 4 years and...
Dhriti presented her paper titled "Dynamic Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs" co-authored by Subodh Sharma, Cesar Rodriguez, and Rahul...
Ridhi presented her paper titled "A Search System for Mathematical Expressions on Software Binaries" co-authored by Sai Prathik, Venkatesh...
Dhriti's research abstract has been accepted to be presented in FM Doctorial Symposium. This symposium will be held in Oxford, UK on 14th July,...
Dhriti receives a travel grant of INR 60,000 from ACM-India/IARCS for her paper "Dynamic Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs" accepted in FM....
The paper titled "Dynamic Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs" authored by Dhriti Khanna (IIIT-Delhi), Subodh Sharma (IIT-Delhi), César...
Ridhi Jain has received a travel grant from FormaliSE to attend FormaliSE 2018 and present her research in the conference to be held this June in ...
Dhriti Khanna (PhD student, IIIT-D) receives a summer internship at Tata Research Developement and Design Centre (Pune).
Ridhi receives a travel grant from Microsoft Research India to present a paper, co-authored by her, titled: "A Search System for Mathematical...