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Ruhma awarded the Adobe India Women-in-Tech Scholarship

Ruhma Mehek Khan, CSSS Undergraduate student at IIIT Delhi, has been awarded the Adobe India Women-in-Tech Scholarship.

Paper accepted at ICSE 2021

Paper titled "On Indirectly Dependent Documentation in the Context of Code Evolution: A Study" authored by Devika Sondhi, Avyakt Gupta, Salil Purandare, Ankit Rana, Deepanshu Kaushal, and Rahul Purandare has been accepted for publication in the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021. Congratulations to the team!


Paper accepted at ICST 2021

Paper titled "Synthesizing Multi-threaded Tests from Sequential Traces to Detect Communication Deadlocks" authored by Dhriti Khanna, Dr. Rahul Purandare, and Dr. Subodh Sharma (Faculty, IIT Delhi) has been accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2021. 

Ph.D. Symposium paper got accepted at ICSME 2020

Dhriti's Ph.D. symposium paper got accepted at ICSME!!

Tools Demo Paper accepted at ICSME 2020

Paper titled " JCoffee: Using Compiler Feedback to Make Partial Code Snippets Compilable" got accepted at ICSME 2020. The paper is authored by Piyush Gupta, Nikita MEhrotra, and Dr. Rahul Purandare. Congratulations to the team! JCoffee leverages compiler feedback to convert partial Java programs into their compilable counterparts by simulating the presence of missing surrounding code. It works with any well-typed code snippet (class, function, or even an unenclosed group of statements) while making minimal changes to the input code fragment.

Devika presenting her paper at ASE

Devika presented her work SEGATE at ASE 2019 which was held in San Diego.


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