
Dhriti Khanna

Ph.D., 2015-Present

Dhriti is working with Dr. Purandare from IIIT Delhi and Dr. Subodh Sharma from IIT Delhi. She did Masters in Computer Science (M.Sc.) from University of Delhi in 2012. Her area of research is designing static analysis techniques to ensure safety properties of concurrent and parallel programs.

Contact: dhritik AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Ridhi Jain

Ph.D., August 2015-Present

Ridhi is working with Dr. Rahul Purandare. She received her Bachelor's degree in Information Technology from AKTU with Director's Gold MedalHer interests are in Algorithms and Software Engineering particularly in the domain of Fault Localization and Program Repair. Currently she is working on Concurrency and Data race detection.

Contact: ridhij AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Nikita Mehrotra

Ph.D., July 2018-Present.

Her interests lie in Program Analysis and Machine Learning.

Contact: nikitam AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Khushboo Chitre

M.Tech., 2017-2020 

Ph.D., 2019-Present

Khushboo joined IIIT for her M.Tech. in 2017 and soon her interests developed in compiler design and program analysis. She joined this group for her Masters thesis and converted her candidature for Ph.D. in January 2019.

Contact: khushbooc AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Peeyush Kushwaha

B.Tech., 2016-Present

Peeyush has been working with Dr. Purandare for an Independent Project for the semester. His interests lie in programming languages, automated reasoning and models of computation.

Contact: peeyush16254 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Piyush Gupta

B.Tech., 2016-Present

Piyush has taken BTP with Dr. Purandare. His work aims at designing program analysis techniques to improve execution time of programs.

Contact: piyush16066 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Lakshya Agrawal

B.Tech. (Computer Sceince and Applied Mathematics), 2018-Present

Lakshya has an interest in Systems and Programming Languages. He has formerly worked on writing a Programming Language Transpiler from Maxima to Python. He is currently exploring topics in Program Verification and Analysis at PAG.

Contact: lakshya18242 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Bhavya Chopra


Bhavya has interest in software engineering and algorithms. She is currently exploring program verification and programming languages with PAG.

Contact: bhavya18333 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Ruhma Mehek Khan

B.Tech., 2018-Present 

Ruhma worked with Dr. Purandare during her research internship. Her research interests include software engineering, algorithms and data science. She is currently exploring program verification and program analysis at PAG.

Contact: ruhma18362 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Krishna Kariya

B.Tech., 2017-Present

Krishna is interested in Logic, Automated Reasoning, and Decision Procedures. She is working on an independent project and BTP under Dr. Rahul Purandare.

Contact: krishna17060 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Fahad Nayyar

B.Tech. (Computer Science), 2017-Present

Fahad is interested in Compilers, Formal Methods and Runtime Verification. He also has keen interest in exploring parallel and distributed models of computation. He has taken an independent project and BTP under Dr. Rahul Purandare. He has accepted an offer to join MSR as a Research Fellow after he graduates.

Contact: fahad17049 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Sejal Singh

B.Tech., 2018-Present

Sejal is currently a second-year student. She has developed an interest in Machine Learning. She is currently studying how C decompilers work.

Contact: sejal18413 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Akash Sharma

B.Tech., 2017-Present

Akash is interested in field of algorithms, ML, NLP, CV and software engineering. Currently, he has taken an Independent Project under Dr. Rahul Purandare where he is exploring the applications of Deep Learning based techniques on Program Analysis tasks.

Contact: akash17327 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

Salil Purandare

B.Tech. (Coputer Science) , 2017-Present

Salil has worked on two research internships in the PAG. His research interests are primarily in the areas of software engineering and testing. He has accepted an offer to join Iowa State University's Computer Science program as a PhD student with an assistantship. 

Contact: salil17093 AT iiitd DOT ac DOT in

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